TikTok is a smartphone application aimed at creating and sharing short videos, and currently one of the fastest growing social media applications worldwide, offering an interaction space for different music and video practices. TikTok has not only become an inseparable part of contemporary popular culture, but also operates as a portal into the social, political and cultural spectrums of everyday life. The platform not only attracts attention of teenagers and people of all ages, but has gained interest among the academic community. The investigation of a deterritorialized multimedia musicking such as TikTok offers a large number of theoretical implications, while possessing practical and methodological challenges.
In order to understand 1) how people create and disseminate forms of sonic and visual creativity, 2) how people stage performances and build (artistic) identities and communities, 3) how people engage in the production and circulation of content, and 4) how people experience and perform gender, class and race on and through TikTok, we organize a series of roundtable discussions and a symposium with contributions from scholars who are interested in issues pertaining to musicking practices on and through TikTok from a variety of analytical perspectives.
Round Tables (in german)
May 5 – Digitale Intersektionalität: Performing Gender, Klasse und Race auf und durch TikTok
May 12 – Politische Performances: Digitaler Videoaktivismus auf TikTok
May 19 – TikToking Music and Dance: Oper und Zeitgenössische Musik auf TikTok
May 26 – TikToking Music and Dance: (Digitale) Künstler*Innen-Persönlichkeiten auf TikTok
International Symposium (May 26–29)

Registration (online participation)